
Frequently Asked Questions

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Website Services Questions

What is the Name Your Price Website Program?

Let us know how much you want to spend on your website, and we'll create a FREE DEMO for you to see.

This demo site, IF you decide to purchase it, will be the price you gave us (or less).

If you don't think it is worth what you have given us for your budget, you owe us NOTHING.

We will NOT bill for the demo.  You only buy it if you like it.

We will take that risk!


How much do you charge for creating a restaurant website?

We charge about $100 per page for website design.  Most of the work required is creating and customizing your theme.  

Our designs typically include slide shows and embedded video and usually do NOT include creating a complete menu.  (The restaurant owner usually does this themselves using our easy menu maker).

eMenu Maker Questions

How do I sign up?

You will need to register at Best Way Websites for any and all of the services offered by Best Choice Restaurants.

Signup is always free.


What if I don't want to use photos for my menu?

If you don't select a photo to show off your dish, a placeholder will fill this area that says "No Image Available."

  • We urge you to take the time to take photos of your dishes.

A picture is worth a thousand words.  Images sell!
